New Rubber Pads
The pads should be changed when they become hard or damaged from age and use. Recommendation is a six (6) month minimum. These can be ordered from DANILEE CO., LLC. To replace pads, clean metal surface with solvent such as naphtha. Remove protective back from pressure-sensitive surface. Press this surface to the metal in the proper location.

Old Style Pads
5 Pads – Part #1/OSP
New Style Pads
3 Pads – Part #1/NSP
Each set of "old style" pads comes with a base pad (2 5/8" x 6") and four (4) small pads (1" x 2").
The large pad fits the base at the end of the arm. The small pads are placed at each end on the bottom of the two and four pound weights.
Pads should be changed a minimum of every six (6) months.
Each set of "new style" pads comes with a base pad (2 5/8" x 6") and two (2) small pads (2" x 4").
The large pad fits the base at the end of the arm. The small pads are placed on the bottom of the two and four pound weights.
Pads should be changed a minimum of every six (6) months.
A Comparison
Both styles of pads are stock items. In 1990 ASTM determined that the new style pad with its complete coverage of the weight provided more consistent and reliable results.
Note: if changing from "old style" pads to the "new style" pads, new test procedures may be required as the "new style" pads require more rubs to achieve the same results as the "old style" pads. The reason for this is that the "new style" pads decreases the PSI (pounds per square inch) as the weight is being spread over a larger contact area.
Silicon Pad
The silicone pad pictured should be used with the heated weight. The pad may also be used for specific tests requiring a firmer substrate foundation.