Solutions for testing medical products and packaging is one of the best applications of the Sutherland 2000 Rub Tester and has become even more of a need this past year with COVID-19 testing.
There are a variety of tests that detect the presence of COVID-19, like molecular and antigen tests. No matter the type of test, whether nasal swab or blood sample, it’s important that the packaging and plastics of the tests pass the standards of rub testing.
Rub Testing for COVID-19 Test Packaging
COVID-19 tests are administered at a medical facility, pharmacy, or at home. Just like any medical package or label, ensuring the packaging passes rub testing standards is crucial since the patients, labs, doctors, etc. all rely on accurate, durable packaging and labeling to ensure successful testing. Consider the labels and packaging as a piece of medical equipment in a way, since they often tell the medical professionals instructions of use and other pertinent data. If the labels on the COVID-19 packaging were to rub and wear and are no longer legible, the consequences could be huge. That is why medical manufacturers count on the SUTHERLAND® 2000™ Rub Tester to provide rub testing for medical labels to ensure they stand up to the rigorous use they will endure.
Rub Testing for COVID-19 Tests
Another application for the Sutherland 2000 Rub Tester is to provide testing for the plastic pieces of the COVID-19 tests themselves. It’s paramount to ensure the plastics and components of the tests are sufficiently durable and tested. With the Sutherland 2000 Rub Tester, you can test the plastics and medical components for COVID-19 tests.
These applications are just some of what the Sutherland 2000 Rub Tester can test in the medical industry. Our goal is to provide a durable and consistent device that lasts so your industry can count on its results. Watch the rub tester in action in one of our videos or request a quote today.
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Jason Shen